Monday, July 10, 2017

Follow-Up: Wikipedia's Cruelty-Free Page

Hello everyone,

You might remember my post Animal Testing: A Clarification On Which Animals Are Used, which I explained what cruelty-fee is and which animals are used in testing labs. If you notice, the title of that post contains the word 'clarification'. I needed to clarify which animals are used because Wikipedia's page about cruelty-free, at the time, didn't mention a few of them. The animals that weren't mentioned included:
  • Dogs (primarily the beagle)
  • Cats, and 
  • Primates
I made sure to add that information under the 'Tests' section on Wikipedia's cruelty-free page. Since then, my addition hasn't been modified. Nonetheless, if you happen to think of any vital information that should be added, please feel free to modify my addition. It's very important that when people go to Wikipedia, the information provided is as accurate as possible.

Until next time!


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